Why Grieve Your Taxes?

Will Give You  Six Great Reasons Why

1. It costs you nothing unless your property taxes are reduced, YOU have everything to gain.

You do not have to pay anything if we are not successful, and we have every incentive to maximize the tax savings you can get. We will represent you in a tax grievance filing in return for a fee amounting to 50% or less of the first year’s tax savings. That’s a pretty good deal for you. Even if we are successful, you’ll get the benefit of the reduced assessment for many years, and only have to pay a portion of the first years’ worth of savings. There is NO RISK at ALL FOR YOU

2. We are experts at establishing market value.

One of the most challenging areas of filing the grievance is establishing market value. You can get help from a local Real Estate agent in finding comparable properties, but we have access not only to that information but to public records that might contain property sales that were not recorded through the local multiple listing systems.

3. We are experts at the Grievance hearing process.

The grievance process can be confusing for a homeowner, being an experienced tax specialist will almost certainly going to be more proficient at explaining your case and winning you a reduction.   Think about it, we deal with these cases all day, every day; therefore, are highly adept when it comes to winning cases.

4. Grieving your taxes can be time consuming.

The reason we charge a fee for handling tax grievances is that the process can take a long time, especially in Suffolk and Nassau counties.  First there is the research, then filling out the forms, finally preparing to attend a court hearing in front of a judge. All of this is manageable, but it does take time and effort. If you do not think that you could get all the work done in time for the grievance deadlines, you should hire us who will make sure it gets done.

5. Most cases are denied at the local level and must be appealed in court.  We do it all for you!

Finally, hiring our firm to handle the process will help you throughout the entire process. If we are not successful at the initial local level (9 out of 10 are not!), then we will handle all the court appeal hearings and represent you in the initial administrative hearing. We know all your home’s facts and this puts us in an excellent position to argue and ultimately win you a maximum property tax reduction. In addition to this, cases are heard Monday through Friday from 9:30 am-3 pm, so you never have to miss a day of work!

6. Nobody likes paying taxes….

but most people are willing to pay their fair share in order to enjoy the services provided by the local municipalities and school districts. As the assessment of your property is not always guaranteed to reflect your “fair share”. A reduced assessment will certainly save you money and could also make your property more sale-able if you were to put it on the market.